v2.2.0 - August 7, 2018

Ryan Knuth
Ryan Knuth
  • Updated


  • When adding or editing an organization you can now define the parent organization using a search box. This improves usability for accounts that have a large number of organizations
  • The universal search box in Wicket will now match any word of the target organization or person record’s name. This will improve an administrator's ability to find what they are looking for in Wicket.
  • The universal search results drop-down now supports scrolling to allow more results to be displayed.
  • Wicket’s Eventbrite integration has improved logging of touchpoints. Wicket will now capture touchpoints for the following Eventbrite actions:
    • Attendee registered for an event
    • Attendee checked-in to an event
    • Attendee checked-out from an event

Additionally, when an Eventbrite action is processed Wicket will create a person record if one does not exist for the user who performed the action in Eventbrite

  • Various performance optimizations to improve speed in loading records

Bug Fixes

  • You can now set the parent of a new organization to “None” instead of having to select the root organization.

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