Wicket + Wordpress + WooCommerce - Integration stages & responsibility model

Ryan Knuth
Ryan Knuth
  • Updated

The installation and configuration of a Wordpress with WooCommerce integration with Wicket requires steps to be completed both by Wicket as well as the Wordpress development team. This article breaks down the process and responsibilities for each team.

1. Set up Staging environments

Responsibility: Wicket

Wicket will deploy and configure a Wicket admin staging environment. This includes settings configuration and loading end-user data.

Responsibility: Web Developer

The Web Developer will deploy and configure a staging Wordpress site with WooCommerce enabled.

2. Connect Wordpress and Wicket

Responsibility: Wicket

Wicket will enable Wordpress SSO capabilities and provide the necessary keys to the Web Developer.

Responsibility: Web Developer

Install and configure the Wicket Plugin.

Please review Wicket's Getting Started with CMS Integrations article for more information.


SSO, SDK, and User Self-Management Widgets are now available.

3. Install and Customize WooCommerce

Responsibility: Wicket

Wicket will enable the WooCommerce integration from the admin panel side.

Wicket will listen for WooCommerce events and keep the systems in sync when enabled. Event examples may be Orders completed, Membership applied, Assignments, and Touchpoints.

Responsibility: Web Developer

Configure Products, Memberships, Plans, and Subscriptions.


The Wicket Services team is available for help during the WooCommerce configuration on the website. This may incur additional fees. Please speak to your Wicket Implementation Specialist.

4. Member Onboarding Flows

Responsibility: Wicket

There is no action required by Wicket at this point.

Responsibility: Web Developer

Leverage WooCommerce, Wordpress plugins, and Wicket Widgets to set up the member onboarding and renewal flows.


The Wicket Services team is available for help during the WooCommerce configuration on the website. This may incur additional fees. Please speak to your Wicket Implementation Specialist.

5. E-Commerce Integrations

Responsibility: Wicket

There is no action required by Wicket at this point.

Responsibility: Web Developer

Configure other integrations with WooCommerce such as Accounting software, events, donations, etc.


The Wicket Services team is available for help during the WooCommerce configuration on the website. This may incur additional fees. Please speak to your Wicket Implementation Specialist.

6. Launch, Stabilize, Operate, Support

Responsibility: Wicket

Wicket's Integration Specialists and Support team will be available during this step to ensure a smooth deployment of Wicket to production.

Responsibility: Web Developer

Deployment to production of the Wordpress and WooCommerce solution, ongoing support.

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