Wicket Member™️ allows administrators to add, edit and delete the Types for Email addresses, Phone numbers, Addresses, Organizations, Relationships, Languages, etc. as well as any custom data entities that are configured in your Wicket instance.
Please submit a support request if you require any pre-defined lists to be accessible within Entity Types.
How to Add or Edit Entity Types
- Access the Wicket Settings
- Click "Entity Types"
- The Entity Types list contains many options for your configuration. For example, we'll look at Address types. To view the list of types within the Entity, click on its name.
- You can edit existing types by clicking on the Type to reveal the Edit Type form.
- You can also add a new type by clicking New Type.
- Enter the label for the new Type
- Choose if this new Type should be the Default selection by checking the checkbox.
- When completed, click "Save."
Once you've added or edited, and saved the entity type, it will immediately be available for use.
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