Lambda Suite Integration Overview

Ryan Knuth
Ryan Knuth
  • Updated

Admin Configuration

  • The configuration page allows administrators to manage the settings for the integration.
  • From this page, the administrators can enable/disable the integration. If the integration is enabled, the administrators can activate/deactivate the inbound and outbound sync, select the allowed fields and roles to sync, and map Wicket memberships to Lambda groups.

Outbound Sync

  • When outbound sync is enabled, basic profile information for people in Wicket can be synced to their customer Lambda Suite Store account. This removes the need for a member to manage their data in two locations.
  • From the configuration page in Wicket, administrators can control which profile fields (First and Last Name, Primary Phone Number, and Primary Address) will be synced from the Wicket person profiles to Lambda customer accounts. Administrators can also control which people will be synced by role.
  • The person's Wicket account is connected to its corresponding Lambda Suite Store customer account by the primary email address registered in their profile. If there is not a corresponding Lambda customer account with the primary email address, a new account will be created in Lambda with the synced fields.

Inbound Sync

  • When inbound sync is enabled, the basic profile information for the customers in Lambda Suite Store will be synced to their profile in Wicket.
  • From the configuration page in Wicket, administrators can control which profile fields (First and Last Name, Primary Phone Number, and Primary Address) will be synced from the Lambda customer accounts to the Wicket person profiles.
  • The person's Wicket account is connected to its corresponding Lambda Suite Store customer account by the primary email address registered in their profile. If there is not a corresponding Wicket person profile with the primary email address, a new account will be created in Wicket with the synced fields.


  • Touchpoints allow Wicket administrators to track order creation from the Lambda Suite Store.
  • When a person creates an order in Lambda, a touchpoint is created in Wicket with the following information: Timestamp, Order Number, Payment Status, Payment Method and a link to the order details in Lambda. 
  • The touchpoint is linked to the Wicket person who created the order in Lambda by their Wicket primary email. If no corresponding primary email in Wicket is found, a new Person record will be created.

Membership Sync

  • If enabled, this feature will automatically assign customers in Lambda to different groups depending on their current membership in Wicket.
  • From the config page, Wicket administrators can decide which membership tier is mapped to which group in Lambda Suite Store. Additionally, administrators can also assign people without an active membership to a special group.

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