Targeting data for import using ID & ID Scope

Ryan Knuth
Ryan Knuth
  • Updated

The Wicket Import templates offer multiple ways to target or identify Person or Organization records within the database when performing add, update, or delete actions.

ID Scope

The ID Scope defines what type of data the ID is for that specific row of data.

Wicket supports the following ID Scopes for the purposes of imports:

  • Email (Primary email address for the Person or Organization record)
  • UUID (The universally unique identifier for the Person or Organization record)
  • Identifying Number (The identifying_number for the Person or Organization record in the database. This can also be found at the top of their profile.)
  • Name of a valid integration configured in Wicket (e.g. Mailchimp)


The ID is the unique identifier itself for the Person or Organization.

  • Email: The primary email address. This must be a valid email address.
  • UUID: This must be a valid Wicket UUID
  • Identifying Number: This must be a valid numerical identity tied to the Person or Organization
  • Integration: This must be a valid identity string tied to the integration

Note: These template columns must be used in conjunction. Omitting data for either of these columns will result in a validation error.

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