Support ticket prioritization process

Ryan Knuth
Ryan Knuth
  • Updated

Wicket relies on prioritization to determine both the impact and urgency of a submitted support ticket. This helps us first address the most impactful tickets, both from an individual client and a broader client context.

When submitting a ticket, we ask our clients to follow our Priority definitions below.


Use for requests that are...


Applies to both production and staging environments.

Routine and not time-sensitive.

Examples are:

  • How-to questions
  • New feature requests


Applies to both production and staging environments.

An inconvenience, but there is a workaround available.

Examples are:

  • Configuration changes
  • Non-critical bug


Applies to both production and staging environments.

An issue resulting in the inability to perform a time-sensitive task and no known workaround.

Examples are:

  • Inability to export data from the Wicket admin panel
  • An administrator or member is unable to edit data


Applies to production environments only.

Service Outages: Related to an issue resulting in a major business impact.

Examples are:

  • Multiple Administrators or members are unable to log in using Wicket's single sign-on solution
  • An error or issue resulting in the inability to collect funds from members via integrations


New tickets are triaged to determine if a resolution is immediately available, or if the ticket needs to be escalated to a specialized team for further investigation and/or resolution. Wicket Support reserves the right to re-prioritize tickets based on the above guidelines.

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