Any staff at your organization can submit tickets to Wicket, and follow other tickets submitted by colleagues via the Wicket Support Help Centre at
There are two ways for staff at your organization to access the support portal:
Sign up
- At click "Sign in". If you're on mobile, this will be in the collapsed mobile menu.
- On the login page, click "Sign up"
- Follow the instructions, and confirm your account. When using your work email, you will automatically be given access to follow other tickets submitted by colleagues.
Submit your first ticket
- Navigate to the Wicket Help Centre at Click "Submit a request."
- Fill out the ticket form and Submit it.
- If your email does not yet exist in the support system, you will receive a confirmation email. In this confirmation email, click the link to set a password. Your ticket will be submitted to an agent, and your Wicket Support account will be created.
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