As a Wicket admin, you can filter Organizations to view and export a subset of data.
Filtering Organizations
The filters available may depend on your configuration, but default filters for Organizations can include:
- Organization Type
- Member Tier (you can select many Tiers, and this will return anyone with an active membership in any of the applied tier filters)
- Membership Active On (returns any Orgs with an active membership on this date)
- Membership Ends (returns any Orgs whose membership ends on this date)
- Tags
- Parent Organization
Applying filters will change what data appears on the Organization page. Filters are displayed at the top of the page, with the option to remove one or all as needed. To remove one applied filter, click the “x” icon beside the name of that filter. To remove all applied filters, click “Clear filters.”
Exporting Organizations
You can export either filtered data or all data on the Organization screen. When filters are applied, only the filtered data will be included in the export. Exporting without filters will export all records.
To export the data, click the yellow “Export” button.
Depending on the number of records included in your export, this can take a few minutes to complete. Once completed, it will present you with a “Download report” link. If you have navigated away from the page, you will also receive an email with the link.
Clicking “Download report” will automatically download the export in a XLSX file.
Note: Exports contain general profile and contact information for Organizations. Additional/custom information may be available in your reporting tool.
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