Messages - Record external Emails

Ryan Knuth
Ryan Knuth
  • Updated

The Messages feature allows you to track external email conversations with a person. Any emails recorded here can be viewed by any Wicket Member® administrator.

Add messages

There are two options to forward or BCC external emails into a person's Wicket Member® profile.

  1. You can forward emails to, or BCC, the person's unique Wicket Member® email address. Click the unique address to compose a new email in your computer's default mail program, or click the copy icon beside it to copy it to your clipboard.wicket-person-messages.png
  2. Use the generic email address for your Wicket Member® environment:

    bcc@{environment code}

    When using the generic email address, Wicket Member® will record the email on the profile of any email address included in the To field. If an email address included in the To field is not already saved in the Wicket Member® database, it will not be recorded, and no Person record will be created.

The table of emails contains the Sender, Subject, truncated message, and when it was sent. To see the full email message, click on the row for the email you'd like to view.

Delete messages

To delete a message

  1. Click the message to be deleted to view its details
  2. Click the "Delete" link
  3. Confirm your decision by clicking "Really delete?" or click "Cancel" to stop the deletion process
  4. If "Really delete?" is clicked, the message will be deleted



Note: The delete action is permanent as deleted messages cannot be restored.

Supported formatting

Wicket Member® attempts to maintain the original formatting of the email as closely as possible, supporting style elements such as:

  • Text styling: Bold, italics, underline, font size, font colour, alignment, spacing
  • Lists: Ordered, Unordered, sub-lists hierarchy
  • Links
  • Images when technically possible

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