Account confirmation email

Ryan Knuth
Ryan Knuth
  • Updated

When a new person is created in Wicket Member®, they will be issued an email containing a unique link to confirm their email address.

NOTE: A person will not be able to log in to Wicket Member® or your website (if configured to use Wicket Member® as the user authentication source) if they have not confirmed their email.

After clicking the link in their email, they will be prompted to create a password for their new account.


How do I know if they have confirmed their email?

If they have not yet confirmed their email address, a "NOT CONFIRMED" label will appear beside it within their Person record in Wicket Member®.


Once confirmed, this label will change to "LOGIN."


What if the user has not received the email, or accidentally deleted it?

Within the Security tab of their Person record, a Wicket Member® administrator can click the "Resend confirmation" button to re-issue the email confirmation.

NOTE: Previously issued email confirmation links will be invalidated. Only the most recent confirmation link issued is valid.



Occasionally a user may forget to confirm their email address and submit a complaint of being unable to login to Wicket Member® SSO. During troubleshooting, it's best to first confirm in their Person record if they have completed the confirmation step.

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