Manage Tags on a Person

Ryan Knuth
Ryan Knuth
  • Updated

People records in Wicket Member™️ can be organized by tagging them. They can then be filtered by those tags on the People screen, and for exporting.

Add a Tag to a Person

New or existing tags can be added directly to a Person's record.

  1. On a Person's record, click "Edit Tags" within the Tags panel.
  2. Start typing the Tag you would like to add. When a match for an existing tag is found, click it from the dropdown.

    If you enter a tag that does not yet exist in Wicket Member™️, click "Create tag:" within the dropdown to create and apply this tag. The tag will then also become available for application to other Person records in Wicket Member™️.


  3. When you've completed adding your tags, click "Save."

    The tags are now saved on this Person.



Remove a tag from a Person

  1. To remove one or more tags from a Person, click "Edit Tags."

  2. To remove one tag, click the "x" icon beside the tag.

    To remove all tags, click the "x" icon on the right side of the Tags panel.

  3. Click "Save." The tag(s) will now be removed.

Note: If a tag is removed from all Person records within Wicket Member™️, it will no longer appear within any filters or exports. Person and Organization tags are separate lists.

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