Manage a Stax Bill-linked Membership on a Person

Ryan Knuth
Ryan Knuth
  • Updated

In Wicket, when a Person has a Stax Bill-linked membership, you can see the start and end date, the status, and link directly to the Subscription in Stax Bill.

To find a membership on a Person navigate to the Membership page of their record in Wicket.


The data presented for this membership is pulled directly from Stax Bill.

Tier: The name of the membership tier that is configured within Wicket

Type: Defines whether this tier is for an Individual (person) or an Organization

Assigning Organization: This field is blank when a membership is assigned via an Organization

Start Date: The start date of this membership, pulled directly from the Stax Bill Subscription

End Date: The end date of this membership, pulled directly from the Stax Bill Subscription

Status: The status of this membership within Wicket. When the membership has expired the status will be "Inactive."


  • Number: The Subscription ID pulled directly from Stax Bill. This link will take you to this Subscription in Stax Bill for review or modification.
  • Renew now: This will kick off an order process within Wicket where the member can pay for their next Subscription within Stax Bill.
  • State: This displays the current state of the Subscription within Stax Bill. Options displayed will be Active, Expired, Suspended, or Cancelled.

Edit a Membership linked to Stax Bill on a Person

When clicking on a Person's membership that is linked to Stax Bill, you will be unable to edit within Wicket. You will be presented with a disabled form with a warning message.


To edit the Start Date, End Date, or status of the membership, click the Subscription ID for the membership to link directly to the Subscription in Stax Bill. Any changes made to the Subscription in Stax Bill will be automatically updated in Wicket.

Example: If you need to change the End Date of the Membership, navigate to the Subscription in Stax Bill and Modify the Next billing date. Once completed, the end date of the membership will be updated in Wicket automatically.

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