Membership Tiers allow you to track membership on a Person or Organization. Tiers are not connected to billing systems. If you need to connect this Tier to a billing system, you must create an accompanying Membership Plan.
Create a new Membership Tier
Membership Tiers for Individuals
- Within Wicket Member™️, navigate to the Settings page
- You'll be presented with a list of your current Membership Tiers (if any). To add a new one, click "Add Tier"
- Complete the form presented
Name (required): Enter a user-friendly name for this membership tier. This name may be shown to members. Both English and French names are required (for unilingual sites, only English will be presented).
Description (optional): Enter some text to describe this membership tier. This could include information about who is eligible for this tier, or other qualifications. The description can help the members self-identify which tier is proper for them.
Tags (optional): Membership Tiers can be tagged using this field to allow for better grouping and filtering across Wicket Member™️. Start typing the tag to either create it, or select an existing tag.
Membership Type (required): This toggle allows you to select whether this is an Individual or Organizational membership. Tiers for Individuals will be available for People in Wicket Member™️, while tiers for Organizations will be available for Organizations in Wicket Member™️. For this task, select "Individual."
Associated Organization (optional): This new Membership Tier can be associated with a particular Organization stored in Wicket Member™️.
Default Grace Period (Days) (required): Define a period of time after the membership tier's expiry that the Individual person will retain membership, allowing them to renew late up to the end of the Grace Period. If no Grace Period is desired, set this to zero (0).
Category (required): Membership Tiers can be categorized using this field to allow for better grouping and filtering across Wicket Member™️. If no categories exist, or you'd like to add more, this can be modifed under Settings > Entity Types > Membership Tier Categories.
Status (required): Any Membership Tier can be set as Active or Inactive. If set to Active, the tier will be available to use. If set to Inactive, the tier will no longer be available to use.
- Click "Save." Your new Individual membership tier is now available to use, if set to Active.
Membership Tiers for Organizations
- Follow steps 1-3 from "Membership Tiers for Individuals" above.
- Within the form, select "Organization" as the Member Type.
- You will be presented with a few options:
Number of Assignable People (required): This option allows you to select how many People can be assigned to this particular membership, within an Organization.
Unlimited: Selecting "Unlimited" means that any number of People can be assigned to this Organizational membership.
Restricted: Selecting "Restricted" allows you to set a particular maximum number of assignments, within an Organization. For example, you could offer a "Group" membership to Organizations, where a maximum of 10 People could be assigned.
Default Grace Period (Days) (required): Define a period of time after the membership tier's expiry that the Individual person will retain membership, allowing them to renew late up to the end of the Grace Period. If no Grace Period is desired, set this to zero (0).
Category (required): Membership Tiers can be categorized using this field to allow for better grouping and filtering across Wicket Member™️. If no categories exist, or you'd like to add more, this can be modifed under Settings > Entity Types > Membership Tier Categories.
- Select the "Status" and click "Save." Your new Organization membership tier is now available to use, if set to Active.
Edit a Membership Tier
To edit an existing Membership Tier, navigate to Settings > Membership Tiers.
Within the table of membership tiers, click the tier you'd like to edit. The Edit form will appear. When you've completed, click "Save."
Note: The changes made to the membership tier are immediate and retroactive.
Delete a Membership Tier
To delete an existing Membership Tier, navigate to Settings > Membership Tiers.
Within the table of membership tiers, click the tier you'd like to delete. The Edit form will appear.
- At the bottom of the form, click "Delete Membership Tier."
- Click "Really delete?" or "Cancel" to confirm deletion, or cancel the operation.
Note: Deleting is considered a permanent action. If there are currently memberships assigned to this tier, you will be unable to delete it. Your options will be to either a) Remove all assignments from a Person or Organization, or b) set the tier to "Inactive" instead.
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