Create or Edit a Membership Plan for Stax Bill integrations

Ryan Knuth
Ryan Knuth
  • Updated

What are membership plans?

Membership plans will allow you to offer bundled memberships. You can now combine several membership tiers together by offering both optional and required products as part of the membership plan you sell. 

Membership plans rely on Stax Bill plans. In Stax Bill, you’ll create a plan that contains your required and/or optional products. You can then map these products to tiers in Wicket Member® to create your own membership plan.

Creating a membership plan

Start by creating a membership plan in Stax Bill.

Next, you’ll need to create membership tiers in Wicket Member® that can be mapped to Stax Bill products. To create tiers, go to Settings > Membership Tiers. You can follow our instructions here

Now that you’ve created your membership plan in Stax Bill and your tiers in Wicket Member®, go to Wicket Member® and navigate to Settings > Membership Plans. 

Click the + New Membership Plan button.


When you do this, you’ll arrive in the empty state of your new Membership Plan. 

You can now start creating your membership plan:

  1. Name your membership plan
  2. Select the Stax Bill Plan you’d like to map
  3. Select if the membership is expected to be individual, organizational or both. Selecting this will limit the membership tiers you can map to Stax Bill products. 
  4. Setting a default organization type and default organization relationship will automatically create relationships for people when they sign up for that type of membership. wicket-admin-membership-plans_new-plan-empty-form.png
  5. Once you’ve selected a Stax Bill Plan, you’ll notice that all the products from that plan will automatically populate in the area below so that you can begin mapping these to membership tiers. 
    1. The Stax Bill products will be categorized into two categories: required and optional. Required products mean that your member has to have that product when buying the membership. Optional products are available for your members to choose as optional add ons.
  6. Now you can map these Stax Bill products to tiers by selecting the dropdowns and choosing the correct membership tier that matches the product. 
  7. You can set a maximum and minimum quantity for the optional products. This will allow you to require your members to purchase a minimum quantity of optional products and/or a maximum quantity of optional products. 
  8. You can also create a heading and description for both the required and optional sections. These will be visible to your members in the onboarding flow.
  9. Once you’ve completed your mappings, select Save Membership.

Important: You cannot assign the same Wicket Member® membership tier to multiple Stax Bill products in one plan. You can, however, assign the same Wicket Member® membership tiers to multiple Stax Bill products if those products are in different plans.

Important: The titles and descriptions are only applicable to membership plans with optional items listed. If your membership plan only contains required products, there will not be a ‘Memberships’ step in the onboarding flow because your member will make all their selections prior to entering into the onboarding flow.

Editing a membership plan

  1. To edit a membership plan, select the membership you’d like to edit from the Membership Plans table. 
  2. You’ll now be able to edit your membership plan. 
  3. Click Save Membership to save your changes. 

Important: If a membership plan has any subscriptions linked to it in Wicket Member®, existing mappings cannot be modified. You can add new products to Stax Bill and add those to your plan, but you can not re-map a Stax Bill product to a new Wicket Member® membership tier if any subscriptions have been assigned to that product. 

Assigning membership plans to members 

  1. Navigate to the person or organization you want to assign membership to. 
  2. Go to ‘Membership’ and click to + Add Membership at the bottom of the table. 
  3. Now you’ll notice your list of options is split into two: Membership Plans and Membership Tiers.
    1. Use Membership Plans for billable memberships. These are what you’ve mapped to Stax Bill products. 
    2. Use Membership Tiers for free memberships. These are your unmapped Wicket Member® tiers.
  4. If your membership plan has optional products contained within it, you’ll now see a new step in the onboarding flow called ‘Memberships’. This is where you can select the optional membership options available. If you’re using Wicket Member®’s onboarding widget, your members will see this step as well.

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